It has been all a little quiet from us around here lately due to the most exciting development in our business thus far... Finally our very own gorgeous website! Oh my, I cannot tell you how long I have been waiting for this day to come, and we are tickled pink to now have our site up live.
We are so so so very thankful, appreciative and secretly in love with the amazing Jen from PixelPalace. She offered the most amazing boutique service and we were so impressed by her dedication and excitement for this project. Thankyou Jen, you are amazing, you were able to see our vision and worked tirelessly to get this done for us. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
Also another project that has been keeping me super busy is that tomorrow morning I am flying down to Melbourne to assist the delightfully gorgeous Jane from Girls Made This at the LifeInStyle tradeshow. We will be testing the market with some new products, and most of all giving a huge helping hand at the Girls Made This site. Please do stop by and say hello if your attending the trade show.
We will be back in the studio from the 5th of August, but in the meantime, please do explore our new website and let us know what you think!