Hello friends! How have you been? Its been pretty far and few between with our blog posts of late. Time seems to escape us time and time again.
We've had lots of happenings here in the studio of late - we have been gearing up for a busy Christmas season with lots of Christmas stationery and letterpress gift suggestions which are now heading out to a whole new load of stockists. We are now represented in some fabulous areas of Australia and we look forward to introducing you to some of these new stockists soon!
We have also been very busy with Summer and Autumn 2013 wedding orders. We only have very limited availability left for December this year, and our next bookings are available from February 2013, we suggest getting in early to avoid disappointment!
On the team side of things - we've had another beautiful lovely, and very talented graphic designer Clare join the team, and another mini Bespoke addition when lovely Justine gave birth to the sweetest little man last month. Lovely Lana joined us a few months ago to assist with Wedding production, and we have also had a fabulous intern Sam on board who has been helping us out with one hundred and one things around the studio. So its been busy, busy, busy around the production table of late!! We will be updating our team page soon on our website to introduce all these lovelies to you a little better.
On the letterpress side of things, we have been busy working on lots of new products for our online store in recent months - you can have a little sneaky peak
here to see what you can find, but we will introduce you to them all soon!
Our box of completed wedding invitations awaiting to photograph has been growing and growing in the past few months, so I am trying to tackle a few each and every day. We have been most spoilt with gorgeous spring flowers lately, so they give us a perfect excuse to pull out all the camera equipment and photograph wedding stationery suites. The above shot was taken this morning - love the pink ranunculus so much!
We are also gearing up for a busy Spring and Summer of Market events. Mr H. has been very busy lately building is lots of new transit boxes for our goodies. We usually ship around 200 kilos of product and display to each event, so our new boxes will make the process so much easier!
You can find us at:
Melbourne Finders Keepers: 19th and 20th October
Brisbane Finders Keepers: 3rd and 4th November
Adelaide Bowerbird: 9th, 10th and 11th November
Sydney Finders Keepers: 8th and 9th December
We will let you know all details and location details a little closer in.
So my sweets, I hope that you have all been well and I promise, we will continue to blog a lot more regularly. Pinky swear.