Monday, August 9, 2010

out on the bay

We are terribly lucky here in our sunny corner of Queensland. Our old timber home and studio is less a 80m walk to Moreton Bay. Over the years we have well walked our little beach and bay but have very rarely ever found the time to go swim in our magical little beach, and never once ever actually been out on the water. Very sad indeed.

But over the weekend that all changed thanks to our fabulous friends (and proud owners of our new best friend Arnold). They took us out for a leisurely Sunday sail in their gorgeous sailboat, and my goodness what a beautiful spot of the world we live in.

It was beautifully calm, we had many laughs, ate some fabulous food and the highlight? About an hours worth of large pod of dolphins who joined our party. We were terribly spoilt, thankyou sweet N & J.


  1. It was our pleasure! Couldn't have asked for a better day or better company!

  2. It was our pleasure! Couldn't have asked for a better day or better company!

  3. are you based on the redcliffe or south side of morteon bay?

  4. Sheer bliss, lucky you!
    Thank you for sharing these gorgeous images.

  5. Yes only once I left Oz did I appreciate the beauty of living by the Ocean. One takes it for granted seeing the Sea daily and really now you have to get out and enjoy the dolphins more!


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