Friday, October 30, 2009

come say hello at the finders keepers!

If your in Brisbane this weekend, do make sure you pop by the Old Museum for a weekend of designer loveliness at the first ever Brisbane Finders Keepers! Featuring 50 independent designers, live music, bar and cafe it is going to be a design market unlike that ever seen before in Brisbane.

We will be there with our range of letterpress limited edition prints and stationery, and our new range of Christmas cards will be launched. The good news? We have some great sales and savings to celebrate the Finders Keepers launch.

Please do stop by and say hello! Mention your a blog follower and we might just share some extra letterpress loveliness with you!

Saturday 31st October 12pm to 9pm
Sunday 1st November 10am to 5pm
The Old Museum - Corner Bowan Bridge Road & Gregory Terrace Herston
A short walk from Brunswick Street Station
Entry is Free!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

emma & leon wedding stationery

We have recently finished the production of a gorgeous wedding stationery set for Emma & Leon who are to be wed on the 28th of December this year. Their wedding is to be located in the gorgeous French Provincial grounds of Deux Belettes, in the Bryon Bay hinterland. We used this beautiful location to design Emma & Leon's simple and elegant, yet undeniably french wedding stationery.

Printed on ivory cotton stocks, the strong use of negative white space allows the full impact of gorgeous typography utilising a combination of upper case, lower case and script. The botanical illustration is printed in a subtle ivory ink and was inspired by the garden surrounds of the wedding location.

As their wedding is a destination wedding they had a large amount of information to provide for their guests. To keep costs down and avoid having to print a large quantity of individual letterpress cards, we designed the invitation as a single outer card and then letterpressed a booklet cover. Inserts were then digitally printed and the whole lot bound with machine stitching. Beautifully paired together and inserted into our ivory cotton envelopes this invitation is certainly the sort to be kept and treasured!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

a sneak peak!

Christmas has hit our studio this week! Charlie has been busy in the production side of things churning over a a whole new range of letterpress Christmas cards. Printed on a new gorgeous natural stock we will have the full collection packaged and ready to spread some Christmas cheer at this weekends Finders Keepers markets in Brisbane!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

oh dear

We seem to be suffering from a terribly painful online problem here in the studio. Our new internet provider is letting us down time and time again, our apologies to our clients and friends, we will be able to email you back soon. In the mean time, Ruby sends her love from the studio and she also hopes to be back online soon as she is missing you all somewhat terribly.


Monday, October 26, 2009

back in the studio

hello hello! we are back in the studio again after our little trip down to South Australia. I had a lovely birthday exploring the Adelaide hills, cheese tasting, chocolate tasting and indulging in some high tea. We also had a fabulous time at the wedding we attended, we haven't danced that much in such a long time!

Whilst down South way I feel in love with this bush above. Apparently its called a Snow Ball Bush or Tree. I would love to know more about this gorgeous creature and if it will grow up here in Queensland? Apparently its a bit of a "Grandma plant" but that quite suits my nanna tendencies.... Sitting next to my Hydrangeas I think it would be right at home?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

missing in action

Sweet friends it might be a bit quiet from us for a few days. We have lost our internet connection here in the studio. Sigh. The biggest pain ever. Our iphones are wonderful and have saved the day - however there is only so much we can do with them so we hope to be back online properly soon.

Later this week we are also headed interstate to attend a wedding and a little wee break to celebrate my quiet event of turning one year older.

We will be back up online next week - we have some gorgeous new wedding sets to showcase, and the most amazing Sunshine Coast wedding we have been dying to share with you!

See you again soon!

Monday, October 19, 2009

giving thanks

Here at Bespoke Letterpress, we have so many things to be thankful for. This month there is a half a page interview with myself in Home Beautiful. Terribly exciting, but also quite strange to open to page 44 and see myself published in one of my favourite magazines!!

We are also very thankful for this months issue of Inside Out magazine for featuring is as one of the fresh young talents from the Young Blood designer markets we attended a while back.

Also a very big thankyou to Sarah from the Finders Keepers who featured us on their new website with an indepth interview into life here at Bespoke Letterpress.

We are also so thankful for all the lovely blogs who featured our Bespoke Illustrators Project. Some were blogs we already followed and some were new lovely finds. We thankyou all for your blog mentions and would like to give an especially big thanks to: a new find to us, and we love their layout and gorgeous finds. A truly special blog. the ever lovely and beautifully popular Canadian style gurus. one of our favourite half australian/half Canadian websites who never fail to disappoint with their gorgeous featured homes and designers. A new brisbane based stationery company to hit the design scene with their screenprinted messages of love and faith. A gorgeous blog worth following! A new find for us - a queensland based blog with lovely creative finds. Another new find for us, and we do indeed love any blog dedicated to the beautiful world of typography! One of all all time favourite blogs, full of beautiful paper goodies and loveliness. Our daily therapy of the very best of home design.

And also a very big thanks to:
Bec Winnel - oh how we love your style (and could spend all day caught up in the swirls of your logo).
Chrissy Lau - Gosh, isnt she a sweet heart? we adore her illustration.

Oh my. Thankyou you all.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

online sale ends today!

Just a quick reminder, today is your last day to get 10% our entire range of letterpress goodies including our letterpress prints and notecards. Simply entire the code SALE in our online store to receive your discount. Sale will end at midnight tonight (Sunday the 18th of October).

Friday, October 16, 2009

giveaway winner announced!

Oh my. We never imagine when we launched this project and giveaway that we would receive such an amazing amazing response!! We were overwhelmed by your love and support for our dear illustrators and for our letterpress efforts to help launch their careers. We are so very grateful for all your encouragement and the time taken to comment, tweet and blog. Thankyou dear friends (and new friends alike). It is so very appreciated.

So, once the competition closed at midnight last night, we tackled the challenge as to how exactly to calculate the winner. Our approach was to print out all the comments ( 17 pages later) and go through and number each entry. Each comment about the Illustrators project received one entry, anyone who had tweeted received two entries, and anyone who had blogged received five entries. A few hours of maths later, we had a total of 536 entries! oh my.

So then to choose the winner. We know there are random online number generators, but here at Bespoke Letterpress, we like to do things our own lovely creative way. So we pulled out the teapot and had a teapot bingo party. As you do.

Three numbers were included for each number 0 - 9, we then had a drumroll and pulled out the first number 3, then 7 and then 0. We then consulted our 17 pages of numbered entries and finally found our winner....

EmBelISH said...
Thanks for such an amazing offer. My favorite would have to be "Geraldine & Walter In Love although "The smell of the Sea" is a close second.

I have also blogged about on our blog

Thanks, Bel x

Congratulations Bel! If you want to contact us with your email address we can arrange your $650 worth of letterpress loveliness to be delivered to their new home.

And to say thankyou for all your gorgeous support of our new project, we have extended our online sale for another 2 days! There is 10% our entire range of letterpress goodies. Simply entire the code SALE in our online store to receive your discount. Sale must end on Midnight Sunday the 18th of October.

Oh sweet friends, we love you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"yes, i dream of butterflies" by joanna bardsley

And my lovely friends, today we are featuring our very final illustration "Yes, I dream of butterflies" by the very sweet Joanna Bardsley. Jo submitted 4 illustrations for submission into our project, and was quite a darling as we asked her to combine several of those illustrations into one! The result is the very delightful "Yes, I dream of butterflies". Printed in a dusty pink, light gold and brown it is gorgeously sweet, and we love it indeed.

Name: Joanna Bardsley
Location: Gold Coast, Australia
Age: 27
About Joanna: Sparked by the simple and unassuming beauty of everyday things; from dew-drops on spider webs, to a leaf falling, to the curls of a downy feather, or the pattern of light on the footpath; Jo tries to breathe it all in and capture it and often finds herself quite overwhelmed.
My Illustration is about Yes, I dream of Butterflies” is a whimsical step into the realms of ‘what if…?’ following the usual nature of Jo’s work, in invoking a little wonder and curiosity, but also possessing a warm quietness.
I love being an illustrator because it’s the perfect avenue to dream along. You can go places with pencil and paper that would be almost impossible by any other means.
I am excited about this project because I love the personal quality; the illustrations, the process and the printing all combine to create unique pieces, full of character and heart.

If you love Jo's print "Yes, I dream of butterflies" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

And finally, our Giveaway of all Giveaways ends at Midnight tonight (Brisbane time GMT +10). More info can be found here. The winner will be drawn tomorrow!

"treasures untold" by courtney brims

We must apologise for the delay in yesterdays featured illustrator. We have had a wee little internet issue which has slowed us down! But with out much more ado and lots of love - today we are featuring the gorgeous "Treasures Untold" by Courtney Brims. A local Brisbane illustrator whose illustration style we admire so greatly! You may have seen her gorgeous illustration she created for The Finders Keepers Brisbane Market coming up this month. You can even pop by and visit Courtney as she will also be selling her gorgeous wares as well.

Name: Courtney Brims
Location: Brisbane
Age: 24
About Courtney: Working with pencils, Australian illustrator Courtney Brims creates dreamy worlds of lost girls and bewildering creatures, focusing on the beauty of nature and its dominance over time. She combines subtle surrealism and intricate detailing into her works that provoke a sense of curiosity and nostalgia.
My Illustration is about "Treasures Untold" tells the story of the Little Mermaid during her post-mermaid days as she sits upon one of her prized possessions reminiscing about her days under the sea.
I love being an illustrator because I do what I love everyday!
I am excited about this project because I get to have my artwork handprinted beautifully by letterpress.

If you love Courtney's print "Treasures Untold" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Courtneys gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be found here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"the smell of the sea" by inês fernandes

Today's featured illustrator is the simply lovely Inês Fernandes. Originally from Portugal, Inês now resides in Berlin Germany. As soon as we saw her gorgeous illustration "The Smell of the Sea" we knew it would be a perfect candidate for letterpress printing. The gorgeous illustrative pattern throughout the fish creates such a stunning impression into the paper. The strong bold use of colour and fabulous use of positive negative space creates such a dynamic effect when printed.

Name: Inês Fernandes
Location: Originally from Portugal, but now living in Berlin Germany
Age: 29
About Inês: Inês grew up close to the sea in a small country by the coast, but new adventures and new experiences made her move to a place where winters are cold and white. She learned how to appreciate a good cup of hot tea and warm gloves. From time to time, she misses the smell of salty water, sand on her feet and the warm summer days spent on the beach.
My Illustration is about summer days and how I miss them. Being from Portugal and having lived close to the ocean for a very long time. I now live in Germany and I don't have the chance to go to the beach on a very hot day. I really miss those days... The smell of the sea, the feeling of sand, the soft breeze...
I love being an illustrator because i like to see ideas grow. I like to work on something where I can use my imagination and my hands.
I am excited about this project because It gives illustrators the opportunity of having work printed with a beautiful old letterpress machine. Besides that, it's always nice when people want to support artists and work hard to come up with a project like this one. Thank you!

If you love Inês print "The Smell of the Sea" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Inês gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be found here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

"honey in sunshine" by nancy mungcal

We stumbled across Nancy's gorgeous illustrative style via her free art published on Feed Your Soul. We loved her free print so much we had it digitally printed and it now hangs in our studio! We were tickled pink when Nancy entered our call for illustrators with her submission titled "Honey in Sunshine". We love the gorgeous colour palette, the super sweet story and most of all, we love how beautifully perfectly her designs are suited for letterpress! Thanks Nancy!

Name: Nancy Mungcal
Location: California, United States
Age: 30's.
About Nancy: Nancy Mungcal loves drawing and painting but still wishes she could sing and play the guitar. her work is inspired by many things and causes her to carry two or three notebooks at a time. she would someday like to have a gray and yellow bike, to be a better photographer, live somewhere where it rains a little bit more, and to continue to collect stamps in her passport.
My Illustration is about "Honey in Sunshine" was inspired by the birds outside the window she draws in front of...trying to capture a moment in nature in her own way.
I love being an illustrator because I really just love to draw.
I am excited about this project because I have a true love and deep appreciation for the art of letterpress. I am really happy to have my work chosen to be produced in this beautiful manner.

If you love Nancy's print "Honey in Sunshine" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Nancy's gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be found here.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"her loves a pony" by kristal melson

We adored Kristal Raelene Melsons style so much that we struggled to choose between the two illustrations she sent us. Finally we decided that we couldn't forsake one over the other so we printed two of her illustrations as part of her project. And my oh my, aren't we glad for once letterpressed, the beautiful simple nature of "Her Loves a Pony" simply took our breath away.

Name: Kristal Raelene Melson
Location: Singapore
Age: 26
About Kristal: Hiding in the dark and playing wildly in the night, Kristal Melson captures
dreams with pencils and paints alike.
My Illustration is about fantastical wanderings, fleeting feet, dancing toes and spiraling tips are all a part of the charm in "Her Love's A Pony" - drifting in and out of galaxies at the twitching of my thumbs.
Has your illustration work been commercially printed before? Illustrations printed in Curvy book 5, empty magazine, yen magazine and Cleo Singapore
What mediums to you prefer to illustrate with: Pencils, ink, digital

If you love Kristals print "Her Loves a Pony" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Kristals gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be found here.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"christopher's ears" by chelsey freyta

This lovely Saturday sees us featuring the adorable illustration "Christopher's Ears" by Chelsey Freyta. We loved working with Chesley to see this little bunny evolve into an illustration that would be suitable for our letterpress project. And isnt he such a precious gentleman? We love that he is in touch with his feminine side, and doesn't mind being adorned with flowers, birds and beautifully sweet decorations!

Name: Chelsey Freyta
Location: Originally Nelson BC, Canada now Burleigh Heads, QLD
Age: 29 (Happy Birthday for yesterday Chelsey!)
About Chelsey: Chelsey comes from a sleepy mountain town in British Columbia, Canada. She likes skiing, jigsaw puzzles and popcorn. Since emigrating to Australia she has been frustrated with the lack of seasonings to sprinkle on her popcorn and has been forced to improvise, with mixed results.
My Illustration is about Christopher who is a long-eared rabbit, known in some circles as "the keeper". When he isn't grazing in the overgrowth, Christopher is wowing crowds with his internationally acclaimed shadow puppetry. His portrait, "Christopher's Ears", displays Chelsey's unique style, creating a whimsical environment where one finds themselves lost.
Has your work been commercially printed before? I have illustrated commercially for magazines, fashion apparel, as well as being featured in a number of exhibitions. I have also established my own range of fashion accessories featuring my illustrations, which retail in Canada.
What type of subject matter do you usually illustrate? I aim to create a small, whimsical world in each piece. While my subject matter varies broadly, I often feature animals and other strange creatures and plant life, incorporating different patterns and textures with bright colours and geometric shapes.
You can meet me and my work at the Finders Keepers Market in Brisbane 31st October/1st November.
I love being an illustrator because I love solving creative problems... and bright eye candy. They go oh so well together.
I am excited about this project because It is a collaboration of wonderful talent, and the final letterpress production of the pieces is so unique and something I've never been part of before.

If you love Chelsey print "Christopher's Ears" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Chelseys gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be found here.

Friday, October 9, 2009

"geraldine & walter in love" by chrissy lau

Today we are featuring the sweetest illustration "Geraldine & Walter In Love" by Chrissy Lau. How could you not possibly fall in love with these two adorable lovebirds who have found each other and are soulmates destined for a beautiful life together. Oh my, we are totally smitten.

Name: Chrissy Lau
Location: Sydney, Australia - originally from England
Age: 24
About Chrissy: Hailing from England Chrissy loves a good cuppa, scones with jam & cream and penny sweets! She now lives in Sydney, Australia and draws ink-filled illustrations from her imagination powered by the sunshine, laughing with loved ones and her Chinese heritage. Above all her illustrations aim to bring a smile to your face and put a little skip in your heart.
My Illustration is about eternal love, whether it is for a partner, family or friends that are close to you (cheesy as it sounds!). I have probably become a lot more sentimental since I have moved from England and miss a lot of people close to me. The illustration will hopefully make you smile and remind you of someone close. There is no right or wrong interpretation of the illustration; it is left to the viewer to decipher. There doesn’t have to be a deep and meaningful so long as it intrigues you and makes you stare at it.
I love being an illustrator because it is something I have done since I can remember. It is simply a natural part of me. It is exciting to take on a challenge when a client asks you to interpret their thoughts into drawings. I think it helps strengthen your imagination and communication. I really enjoy showing people my work and gauging their reactions. It doesn’t matter if you can’t speak the same language, a picture can paint a thousand words. I really enjoy drawing because you can pass on your skills to those who believe they can’t draw. I always say there is no right or wrong when you draw, you just have to let loose and let your imagination go wild. I have managed to open up the artist in my boyfriend which is a pleasure to see. Now if only he could return the favour and make me into a musician like him!
What type of subject matter do you usually illustrate People, birds, characters, animals, tea cups- anything that is cute and quirky.
Any claims to fame I was featured in Yen Magazine's 2008 book of the world's top 100 female artists - CURVY 5
I am excited about this project because it is a fantastic opportunity to showcase my work amongst some extremely talented artists and gain a greater captive audience. The printing process itself is so captivating and different to anything I have seen before; it just makes the whole experience all the more intriguing. I am flattered and grateful to be part of this project because it has been so pleasurable to illustrate for Bespoke Letterpress. The whole project has a sense of personal touch to it which I adore.

If you love Chrissys print "Geraldine & Walter In Love" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Becs gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be foundhere.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"camomile tea" by kristal melson

Today we are featuring the first of two illustrations created by Kristal Raelene Melson. When we first viewed "The Sugar In Your Tea, In My Camomile Dreams" we were so totally smitten. A gorgeous sleepy girl, a perfect stack of vintage tea cups, swans, birds and a wee little putty cat, how could we not fall in love with Kristals beautifully sweet and delicate style!

Name: Kristal Raelene Melson
Location: Singapore
Age: 26
About Kristal: From the throes of the teeming streets of Singapore, Kristal Melson breathes and sleeps sweet escape with pencils and paint brushes. She prances around in fleeting sprites of sketches about cats, girls and tea.
My Illustration is about Dreaming and speaking of impossible juxtapositions - inspiring you to do the same, dreaming wistfully away. "The Sugar In Your Tea, In My Camomile Dreams" invites you to tiptoe across love-letters in the quiet of the night.
I love being an illustrator because putting pencil to paper keeps me happy.
I am excited about this project because letterpress is a quaint and beautiful craft!

If you love Kristals print "The Sugar In Your Tea, In My Camomile Dreams" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Kristals gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be found here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"a motley brew" by grace lee

Todays Illustration is by the gorgeous Grace Lee. We are ever so jealous that she works as a graphic designer for the ever lovely Inside Out Magazine, where you may have seen her beautiful hand drawn typography she creates. When Grace submitted her illustration we were smitten by the oh so sweet tea cups, tea pots and tea cosies. Featuring some of her own beautiful hand drawn typography, how could you not love this print if your a little bit of a tea cup fan.

Name: Grace Lee
Location: Sydney AUSTRALIA
Age: 29
Occupation: designer
About Grace: Through her looking glass Grace Lee has a unique view on the world. Grace's drawings transform ordinary things like tea cups and cats are into cheeky, curious creatures with a life of their own. A magazine designer from Sydney, Grace loves indoor climbing, learning trapeze, drawing cakes and eating cakes! Creating 3D felt cake replicas is her newest venture. Family is at the very top of the things she loves especially her niece- ruby coco.
My illustration brews together all that is special about tea time, which with a nice pot and cup and good company always makes us feel cosy.
I love being an illustrator because it's not about being 'right' or technically perfect.
I am excited about this project because it is run by by an Australian company, and because emerging illustrators have an opportunity to get their work 'out there' in a very unique way. The letterpress aspect takes this project to another level. I've never had anything letterpressed!

If you love Graces print "A Motley Brew" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Graces gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be foundhere.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"alliance" by bec winnel

Today we are featuring our first of our ten illustrators, the gorgeous Bec Winnel. We have adored Becs work for quite a while so we were tickled pink when she sent in her illustration for consideration for our project! We are simply in love with the finished letterpress print. The gorgeous retro patterns have resulted in an amazing letterpress impression. The gorgeous colour combination of tea rose pink, mustard and chocolate brown ooze vintage appeal... and besides who cant love a girl confident enough to wear flourishes in her hair!

Name: Bec Winnel
Location: Melbourne
Age: 31
About Bec: Bec grew up in country NSW and at a later age in life, moved to Melbourne to pursue a career in Graphic Design. During her Graphic Art studies at Swinburne in 2008, she re-discovered her passion for drawing and focused seriously on pursuing illustration alongside Design. She currently works full time in the Graphic Design field and spends her precious spare moments creating and exhibiting her drawings.
My Illustration is about My piece, titled "Alliance", combines vintage pattens, representing the traditional printing process and a female portrait, representing my familiar subject matter. It is about new meeting old. A new image being created via an old process.
About Becs illustrative style: Bec creates soft and delicate portraits of the female form. Although beautiful on the surface, deeper in her layers of her subjects eyes are untold stories. Her work has been described as reminiscent of vintage chocolate advertisements and visions of goddess like maidens you might meet down misty, moonlight forest paths.
I love being an illustrator because making art is like breathing, I can't live without it
I am inspired by vintage fabrics, peoples life stories and fashion photography.
I am excited about this project because I adore letterpress and have always wanted to have something created from this beautiful technique.

If you love Becs print "Alliance" it is available through our online store as a limited edition signed and numbered print for $65.00. Each print also also comes with the illustrators story and information behind the print. Enter the code SALE to receive 10% off store wide until the 16th of October.

Dont forget to entire our Giveaway of all Giveaways where you can win not only Becs gorgeous print, but our entire bespoke illustrators project of 10 prints. More info can be found here.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

the bespoke illustrators project + online sale + giveaway!

It is with such great excitement today that we announce the launch of our Bespoke Letterpress Illustrators Project!

Back in May this year, we decided that we wanted to use our letterpress studio to be able to create more then just invitations & stationery. We wanted to be able to use our resources as a launch pad to help young designers & illustrators. To be able to have to their work crafted on a vintage letterpress is usually a dream way beyond reach for most young designers.

So we opened the table for illustrators across the world to submit their work - The only rules were they must be emerging illustrators and they must produce a three colour illustration.

This was a chance for young illustrators to get their first big break, to be commissioned and to share their love of letterpress. And my oh my, we were overwhelmed by hundreds of entries!

Our little project turned into the most amazing and exciting project we have tackled to date. We are so excited by our illustrators enthusiasm, and we are tickled pink to be able to promote them and do our little bit to help their careers.

10800 foot treadled impressions, 1800 sheets of cotton paper and 30 new ink colours later we are finally able to launch our 10 new prints. Each print is a limited edition run of 150 prints and are available in our shop for $65.00 each.

And to celebrate, we have two lots of exciting news to share. The first is that between now and the 16th of October, enter the code SALE in our online store and you will receive 10% off our entire range of letterpress goodies.

And finally - the news you have waited for... The giveaway of all giveaways!! We have one amazing prize to giveaway - The entire collection of our Bespoke Illustrators Project is up for grabs. That's 10 prints valued at $650 worth of letterpress loveliness for one lucky winner!

To enter the draw, all we ask is that you view the range via or website or shop and that you comment on this blog post and let us know which one you like the best. Over the next 10 days we will also be featuring one illustrator per day here on our blog where you can find out more about the illustrator and see their print in more detail.

Each comment to this blog post will receive one entry. If you tweet about this post we will give you an extra entry, and if you blog about our new project & giveaway we will give you a whopping 5 entries. Please do just let us know in your comment if you have twittered and/or blogged. Entries close on Midnight the 15th of October, with the winner announced on the 16th of October.

Oh sweet friends, we hope you will love our new project as much as we do!


Friday, October 2, 2009

a sneak peak and weekend wishes!

Today I wanted to give you a little sneak peak of big things to come on Monday - We will be announcing a huge project we have been working on... new prints in store and the giveaway of all giveaways... Make sure you check back then!

Happy weekend my dears!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

stacie & ben wedding favours

Today we have finished off 60 personalised wedding favours for Stacie & Ben who are to be wed next weekend! Their favours are from our Bespoke Letterpress collection and each little pouch contains the most divine smelling frangipani soap. Wrapped in ribbons to suit their wedding theme coupled with a personalised letterpress swing tag, these make such sweet little packages for their guests.

We wish Stacie & Ben the most gorgeous wedding day - we hope it is perfect!!!

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