Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In the studio today

We headed off down the beach first thing this morning for a early dip in the sea with Ruby our dog. Followed by my favourite freshly squeezed watermelon & pineapple juice, im determined that this must become my new summer routine. Ruby herself has established her own summer routine - sleep by the presses, occasionally stir when the churn of the press gets to loud and bark at vistors only when required.

Such barking was required today when the courier delivered our latest batch of photopolymer plates. Captured here today with my morning cup of tea.

Today we printed a gorgeous vintage invite in pretty pinks, I love handmixing our inks, its such a beautiful process to watch the colours blend.

Its also been great to watch my husband in progress building away in our studio. He is building us a new 3metre by 60cm work table for our office. Tomorrow its off to the panel beaters to be sprayed in a pretty shinny 2pac white.

Such a busy day!


  1. Lovely pics! Ruby is so sweet :)

    Oh that's a much better idea to get your workbench off to the panel beaters to get painted. We tried spraying mine outside, and of course it go stuck full of bugs, and we even had a few lovely birds fly over and you know what...

    And oh, 3 metres... That's awesome!!

  2. We had our vanity unit doors spray painted, and was about $90 a square meter, so not so bad to save us from the bird droppings and the like. Although we do get an awful lot of gecko droppings in the studio, so chances are they would drop their bits into the wet paint as well!

  3. Love your blog.. wandered over by way of Brown Button. I have that very same tea cup that was my grandma's! :-) What beautiful work you do!


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