Tuesday, June 2, 2009

in the kitchen today

After my little adventure to Dayboro over the weekend, I have been inspired to get back into the kitchen after the abundance of granny baking which I encountered. Today I felt the urge and made some passionfruit cupcakes for my dear students.

Monday and Tuesday evenings see me heading into the city where I lecture about graphic design at Shillington College. I really admire my students, not only do most of them work full time jobs, have families and run their own businesses, but each Monday and Tuesday for the entire year they arrive ready and eager to learn. So tonight, sweet students, the sweetie treaties are on me.


  1. Yum Yum , haven't seen passionfruit cupcakes for years!

  2. Passionfruit cupcakes! Things must have changed a bit since my College days.... I don't ever recall any of my teachers bringing cupcakes to class! How lucky are your students? P.S. your mother loves cupcakes!!!

  3. They look delicious, your students are very lucky xxx

  4. What a generous professor you are! If only I was in Brisbane to take your class (and to have some scrumptious passionfruit cupcakes!)

    I love designers and stylish people who teach--and who love their students.

    They are so lucky to have you as their teacher.

    and yum yum...passionfruit seeds in icing.

    And do you make Lamingtons or those Neenish (?) tarts with icing on top? YUm.

  6. yum... these look very tasty indeed!

  7. Congratulations for your blog, pictures, and all what you've done. Bookmanie.

  8. oh these little cuppies look delish. i might just sign up for your class to get one of these!


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