Today we have a very special treat for you - a visit to the gorgeous
Inkwell Boutique in Hallifax, Nova Scotia Canada. When Andrea got in touch with us last year to ask if we would be interested in stocking some of our letterpress goodies in here gorgeous store, we were terribly excited and could not wait to send a bundle of letterpress love across the seas to Canada to this gorgeous shop!
Inkwell Boutique are purveyors of specialty paper and handmade goods - all handmade with love by talented artists found locally and right across the world. And if this doesn't sound like the perfect sort of shop already - it is even better as they also offer custom letterpress printed stationery as well. My total idea of perfect!
A big thank you to Andrea for sharing with us some photos and information about her lovely store below... Now if only we could arrange a visit to fly to Canada to say hello in person!
Tell us a little about your store and its philosophy?
Inkwell is a recent addition to downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The shop specialises in handmade paper goods and other goodies from around the corner and across the world. Items most commonly found are art prints, greeting cards, pottery, jewellery, calendars and tea towels. We also offer custom design and letterpress services to the public. Custom work is small scale, small batch - business / calling cards, stationery, cards, announcements and invitations.
What are some of your favourite brands in stock? What makes you choose these designers to showcase?
One thing you love the most about your shop?
The reactions received from first time visitors. Visitors are so grateful for a shop like Inkwell to exist in the city - 9 times out of 10 they proclaim it to be their favourite shop ever!
Tell us about design in Nova Scotia? Favourite things to do?
Design in Nova Scotia is quite prominent. Halifax, the capital, has the oldest art school in North America called the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design University (NSCAD).
I am a graduate of NSCAD in graphic design and there are many creative businesses that employ other graduates of the university. There is a lot of great talent and a whole section of the shop is dedicated to local artists.
I am also a member of the Letterpress Gang at the Dawson Printshop, which is part of NSCAD. We meet on a weekly basis to help maintain the collection and to organize events for letterpress awareness within the local community.
My favourite thing to do in Nova Scotia would probably be escape on my day off, to antique shops and restaurants outside of the city.
Contact details:
1658 Market Street, Halifax, NS B3J 0B4
phone: (902) 405-8309
P.S Now those of you who are big fans of our adorable Ruby Tuesday might know that the gorgeous part of the world that is Nova Scotia is actually our sweet hounds homeland - Serendipity indeed!