On our mammoth road trip down South we broke up our travels and stayed just out of Armidale for a few nights. It was almighty chilly - what a novelty to snuggle up to a roaring fire smack-bang in the middle of Summer. We don't even use a fire in the depths of a deep cold dark Queensland winter!!
Whilst there we decided to try something new and booked ourselves a trout fly fishing guide for the day. Having never fly fished before, or really fished that much to start with, it was quite the eye opener. Turns out it isn't really about the fish, its all about the technique (so when you don't catch a single fish, your apparently not supposed to feel disappointed I've decided).
Oh, and the other thing I didn't expect - the huge amount of hiking (in waist high grass) to get their and back in the first place! (Future note to self - jeans with limited flexibility do not fare well in such circumstances).
Regardless of our lack of bites we still had quite a delightful morning (that was when I wasn't puffing as we climbed up and down mountains). Seems I am not much of a fisher, but I don't think that our guide minded too much when I gave him my fishing line whilst I went photographing instead.
The countryside and the river we fished reminded me so much of the countryside around our holiday farm in the Snowy Mountains as a child. It was all quite nostalgic. Despite the heavy duty overalls, water proof hiking boots and the funny fishing line, I almost felt at home.
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