What an amazing, crazy, wonderful weekend we had at the Finders Keepers Markets. We are so full of thanks! So please do excuse our Oscars thankyou speech below...
First of all thankyou to YOU. Thankyou for all your support, everyone who stopped by and said hello, new shoppers finding us for the first time, and old shoppers popping back to buy again. Lovely blog friends we love you. Thankyou.
To lovely friends and students current and past who to stopped by - its always so lovely to see you. And to those extra special friends who jumped behind our stall and helped us sell - you are too wonderful.
To my beautiful friend and amazing assistant Louise - thankyou for the gorgeous and amazing flowers - you are the sweetest friend - thankyou!
To Mr H - you amazing man, you make a wonderful shop boy - thankyou for running the fort while I socialise. Thankyou for all the heavy lifting and help you volunteer to other designers - you are so precious.
And finally to the two girls who I am so in awe of - Sarah & Brooke, your vision, your passion and your commitment makes finders keepers an amazing community I am so proud to work with. Thankyou ladies - you are simply amazing!
Phew. Time to catch my breath. But thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. xox