One of the sweetest of joys for me at Christmas time is the beautiful wrapping of gifts, immaculate ribbons and sweet little tags to match.
The other sweetest joy is long hot lazy Christmas days where we all nod off on the couch and then wake ourselves back up in the pool, where we eat wonderful food followed by Mums famous sticky date pudding. Where we make the biggest mess in the living room with wrappings and ribbons and all sorts of
Christmas odds and ends, Where we bake all sorts of sweet treats and eat left over ham for a week.
But my all time favourite
Christmas joy is spending time with family, the sharing of
laughter and counting our blessings to be surrounded by so many special people. So goodbye sweet friends, this blog will be on a little holiday for a few days while we celebrate and enjoy the company of those we love.
May you have the most magical Christmas - may it be filled with
laughter and cheer, beautiful wrappings and the sweetest of families.